Congress: The Role of Health Resort Industry
October 17-18, 2024 in Grozny – Chechen Republic
The National Medical Research Centre for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in cooperation with colleagues from the Chechen Republic holds the VI All-Russian Congress of Mayors of Resort Cities “The Role of Health Resort Industry in the Development of Medical Tourism, Economy and Infrastructure of Resort Cities” (with international participation).
The co-organizers of the Congress are the Russian National Association of Experts in Spa Treatment and the Association of Resort and Tourist Cities of Russia.
We kindly invite you and your colleagues to attend the Congress showcasing the achievements of medical rehabilitation and health resort and tourism industries as well as the exhibition of medical equipment and medical products.
The scientific schedule covers the current issues of medical rehabilitation and health resort treatment, worldwide socio-economic development of resorts, medical and wellness tourism, the role of natural healing resources application in the treatment programs, international cooperation in the field of medical rehabilitation and balneology.
The scientific program includes an international section with the participation of leading scientists, physicians and experts in balneology and medical rehabilitation. The I Grozny Forum of Rehabilitation and Balneology will be also held within the Congress framework. The Congress involves an extensive sightseeing and cultural program.
Registration is free of charge. Call for participation in the Congress and the exhibition is until 10/09/2024.
International participation contact: Bella A. Gaynanova, Head of the International Relations and Public Activities Department. E-mail: GaynanovaBA@nmicrk.ru; phone: +7 (499) 277-01-05 (Ext. 1151); +7 (985) 843-88-87
The Organizing Committee of the Congress