In Memoriam
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
People say that those that do not remember their past have no future. It may be true, particularly at these times, when ”big data” and huge amounts of information are collected, alongside projections of possible scenarios, not always verifiable, many years ahead.
While our discipline refers to an ancient tradition, its scientific and therapeutic importance is the result of the work of generations of scholars, of our Masters, and of all those that now devote to personal care using Thermal Medicine.
However, it often happens that those that came before us in this professional course and allowed us to achieve everything we enjoy today are hardly remembered. Therefore we wish to invite you to take a break for thinking and acknowledging, on this page, those that came before us in this work.
In this respect, FEMTEC is organizing a section on the Home Page of its website, which we are going to call IN MEMORIAM. This section will include the biographies of outstanding scholars that provided a crucial input to the development of balneology in different Countries.
Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Germany,Russia are the Countries that I consider most significant at the moment. The format is very simple: photo, biography, and description of the activity (one page per person, possibly with links).
By doing so, everyone and, particularly, the younger generations of medical hydrologists, can learn about their forerunners and continue to commit to their own work.
I trust you will be interested in this proposal.
Umberto Solimene
Important Figures

- Guy Ebrard
- Platon Gigineishvili
- Jozsef Torok
- Francantonio Berte
- Ennio Gori
- Roberto Gualtierotti
- Pietro Mascherpa
- Mariano Messini
- Alberto Miani > CD: Cover, Comment
- Umberto Solimene >
- Yoshio Oshima
- Jozef Jankowiak
- Bogolyubov Vasily Mikhailovich > Video
- Nikolai Storozhenko