The FEMTEC SUITE, subtitled with the famous Latin adage Ubi Thermae Ibi Salus, consists of three frames for Piano and Soprano: its words come from texts about thermae of Latin poets:
- “Quamdiu ad aquas fuit, numquam est mortuus” (Cicero, De Orat. II, 67, 274)
- “Medicina … quae nunc aquarum pertugio utitur in nulla parte naturae maiora essere miracula” (Pliny the Elder, Nat. Hist. XXXI, 1, 26)
- “Non est vivere, sed valere vita” (Martial, Epigr., VI, 70)
The SUITE is based on an idea of Prof. Umberto Solimene, President of FEMTEC, has been composed by Livio Claudio Bressan, musician and neurologist, and was played for the very first time at the Batumi Opera Theatre.