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Thermae Campus

_HOME/10.jpg The Thermae Campus Project

The Thermae Campus Project aims to set up an integrated cross-disciplinary structure as reference point for the professional training and updating of specialists operating in hydroterapic, thalassotherapic and wellness centres at various levels.

The teaching methodologies are mainly practical and oriented to specific operational needs, complemented by online multimedia lessons.

Course planning takes advantage of the results of the WeSkill Project, co-founded by the EU Erasmus + Program.

The guidelines of our training initiative

To foster the European thermal tradition

Building on the pillars of the European spa tradition, the courses aim to develop innovative approaches and and appropriately implement the therapeutic and complementary treatments of integrated Thermal Medicine.

To integrate medical and wellness sciences

The courses have an olistic approach, providing practical training and updating to specialists with reference to the therapeutic role of the Thermae, as well as to the complex wellness processes (physical exercise, nutrition, methods aimed at appropriate lifestyles).

Focus on Technology, Management, and Quality Control

The learning of emerging technologies and modern managerial techniques allow to carry out an update of skills and to acquire new advanced knowledge to support future developments in the sector.

Aims of the Project

Thermae Campus is part of the project to set up an international integrated cross-disciplinary operating structure to act as reference point for the professional training and updating of specialists operating or interested in thermal, wellness, or thalassotherapic centres at various levels.

  1. European thermal tradition: Innovate and appropriately implement the therapeutic and complementary treatments of integrated Thermal Medicine.
  2. Complementary medicine: Develop the themes of complementary Medicine capable to promote the development of Medicine in its entirety, through the recovery of its human and holistic foundations.
  3. Wellness sciences: Provide practical training and updating to specialists with reference to the therapeutic role of the Thermae, as well as to the complex wellness processes (physical exercise, nutrition, methods aimed at appropriate lifestyles).
  4. Technology, management, and quality control: Provide updates and advanced competences, also with practical workshops for specialists in the different sectors.

The educational philosophy of Thermae Campus is aimed at the theory, as well as at a properly structured practical training that, through its PARTNERS and PROMOTERS, allows it to avail itself of qualified TRAINERS, as well as of practical and clinical educational facilities.


According to the theoretic and practical contents of the Courses and to the acquired and applicable competences, the training is aimed at:

  • Physicians
  • Biologists
  • Psychologists
  • Pharmacists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Nursing staff
  • Motive Science Graduates
  • Beauticians
  • Managers of Thermal Centres and SPAs
  • Thermal Technicians

Available options

The Training is organized into compact Modules (2-3 days) or into courses lasting from one week to one year, and includes:

  • Workshops
  • Seminars
  • Master courses

Educational facilities


Università degli Studi di Milano
Centre for Research on Medical Bioclimatology, Biotechnologies, and Natural Medicines, WHO Coll. Center for Traditional Medicine (

Scuola Superiore di Medicina Estetica, Milano (

Milano (

Per informazioni ed iscrizioni:

Gruppo Fipes
Via Dell’Artigiano n. 7 Forlimpopoli
Tel. 0543 742565 – 74 7201
Fax. 0543 747013

Thermae Campus Srl
Via Dell’Artigiano 7 Forlimpopoli
Tel. 0543-747201
Fax 0543-747013

Estremi Bancari per Iscrizioni:

Thermae Campus SRL
Via dell’artigiano 7 – 47034 Forlimpopoli (FC)

Banca di Forlì Credito Cooperativo
Filiale Via Manzoni Forlì
iban: IT45 I085 5613 2000 0000 0264 231

Editors in Chief:

U. Solimene        Italy
Z. Karagulle       Turkey
N. Storozhenko   Russian Federation

International Journal of Integrated Spa Medicine, Thalassotherapy and Techniques of Well-being (see also aims and scopes)


Editors in Chief
Umberto Solimene Italy
Zeki Karagulle Turkey
Nikolai Storozhenko Russian Federation
Regional Co-Editors
Florana Menendez Cuba
Yoshinori Otsuka Japan
Alexander Razumov Russia
Christian Roques France
Marco Vitale Italy
Editorial Board
Emilio Becheri Italy
Thamas Bender Hungary
Igor Bobrovinski Russian Federation
Alina Chervinskaya Russian Federation
Pedro Cantista Portugal
Massimiliano Corsi Italy
Fredy Daouas Tunisia
Antonella Fioravanti Italy
Gianni Gurnari Italy
Christoph Gutenbrunner Germany
Klaus Kustermann Germany
Francisco Maraver Spain
Emilio Minelli Italy
Irena Ponikowska Poland
Olga Surdu Romania
Arsenio Veicsteinas Italy
Stephan Willich Germany
Editorial Office HQ
Cristiano Crotti – medical & scientific Italy
Maria Eva Virga – press office Italy
Simona Busato – coordinating secretariat Italy
Regional Editorial Office
Pascale Jeambrun France
Natalia Tchaourskaia Russian Federation
Web Master
Massimo Boaron Italy


International Six-montly Journal of Integrated Spa Medicine, Thalassotherapy and Techniques of Well-being

The Program “Health for all in the 21st century” was a difficult promise of  the World Health Organization, with particular reference to the most industrialized countries .We remember,also  the “Fit for Health” programme launched as WHO Day.

This is an important signal that confirms the worldwide trend of a strong growth in the demand for services linked to psychic and physical well-being and treatment and rehabilitation including by natural methods and techniques.

Thermae & Spas, widely distributed throughout all the wordl, represent one of the most deeply rooted components in the living cultural heritage of Europe . As well as an important opportunity for therapy, they are also a significant social phenomena.

The scene of spa-going in the past few years has undergone many changes. We have gone from a medical and health service presented to a certain target in a situation of a single market to a service that is not only medical and to a client in a highly competitive market.

In addition, a broader and more correct view of health is increasingly asserted, understood not only as the prevention or cure of disease, but as attention to the state of well-being, the development of the potential of each individual and as the achievement of inner serenity.

Consequently, it appears evident that Thermae,Spa Medicine and Thalassotherapy, supplemented by methods and techniques of rehabilitation and well-being, confirmed scientifically, today regain their full relevance. In addition to the scientific heritage of Western medicine, medical knowledge of ancient traditions, including those far from our own, but scientifically valid according to the research models of Western science (acupuncture, phytotherapy, techniques of relaxation, Chinese and Indian medicine) take on importance.

However, this situation does not always correspond to correct professional information being  circulated to the medical class and health personnel, who thus  unwillingly find themselves in a position of not having valid cognitive instruments at their disposal. This is also in the interest of the patient/client who addresses these structures.

This is the reason for THERMAE & SPA MEDICINE aimed at the medical class. SPA is the term now used all over the world to indicate a place (thermal spa or well-being centre) where hydrotherapeutic treatment takes place. It has a twofold origin: from the name of the Belgian watering place of the same name or from the abbreviation salus per aquam.

The journal is under the patronage of the World Federation of Thermalism and Climatology  (FEMTEC) and the European Association of Medicine of Well-being (AEMeB),in collaboration with the International Association of  Medical Hydrology (ISMH)

It will contain, on a six-montly basis, scientific works (clinical and experimental) on the above subjects by  internationals authors, researchers and operators at Spas and centres for Well-being, to provide an instrument of global knowledge that is not only theoretical but also practical for the specialists and operators of the sector.

SPA MEDICINE is honoured by an International Editorial Board that will guarantee not only international accreditation but also scientific and objective information for readers. Publisher is THERMAE CAMPUS, Postgraduate School of High Training in balneotherapy,thalassotherapy and complementary medicine and sciences of well-being

Thermae Campus Srl

Via Dell’Artigiano 7, 47034 Forlimpopoli (FC) Italy



Economical affairs

Morena Nanni

Tel. 0543-747201 – Fax 0543-747013

Scientific Pubblications

    Cristiano Crotti

Coordinating secretariat

Simona Busato

Editors Guideline


Manuscripts submitted to THERMAE & SPA MEDICINE may not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submission will be acknowleded.

Original Research Paper describes the complete investigations. It should be presented in the standard format described below.

Preparation of Manuscript

Only Microsoft Word files (.doc, .docx) are acceptable. The manuscript should be double-spaced with sample margin on all sides (top & bottom margin: 2.54 cm, left & right side: 3.18 cm). A cover letter is required to be submitted in the submission process. The title, the main findings, and the significance of the manuscript should all be described. Preferred and non-preferred reviewers (if any) may be listed in the cover letter.

Article Structure

All manuscripts submitted should include a title page, abstract, key words, text, and references. Tables, figure legends, figures, and acknowledgements (if any) may also be included.

Title Page
The following information should be included:

  • Paper title;
  • Author(s)’ full name, affiliation, and email address;
  • Full contact information (postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address) for the corresponding author.Abstract
    The abstract should be citation-free and should not exceed 250 words. It should concisely describe the aims, experimental approach, significant results, and major conclusion.Text
    Original research papers are structured with the following headings: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, and references.Acknowledgments
    Collaborations, sources of research funds, and other acknowledgments should be listed in a separate section at the very end of the paper before the references.References
    Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. All references should be cited within the text.
    All citations in the text should refer to:
    1. Single author: the author’s name and the year of publication, ex. Solimene, 2006;
    2. Two authors: both authors’ names and the year of publication, ex. White and Solimene, 2010;
    3. Three or more authors: first author’s name followed by “et al.” and the year of publication, ex. Solimene et al., 2010.
    Citations may be made directly or parenthetically. Groups of references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., placed after the year of publication.Figures
    Each figure should be supplied in a separate electronic file. All figures should be cited in the paper in a consecutive order. Ensure that each illustration has a caption. Supply captions separately, not attached to the figure. A caption should comprise a brief title and a description of the illustration. Explain all symbols and abbreviations used.
    Please follow these guidelines for submitting figures:

    • Line illustrations should be submitted at 1200 dpi.
    • Halftones and color should be submitted at a minimum of 300 dpi.
    • Save as TIF files.
    • Do NOT submit PowerPoint, PDF, Bitmap, or Excel files.
    • Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
    • Provide captions to illustrations separately.
    • Please name your artwork files with the submitting authors name i.e.fig1.jpg.

    Tables should be cited consecutively in the text. Every table must have a descriptive title. If numerical measurements are used, the units should be included in the column heading. Vertical rules should be avoided.


Thermae and Spa Medicine is a six-montly basis, online periodical covering the field of integrated SPA Medicine. Submission of articles is open.

Publication of the Thermae & Spa Medicine enjoys copyright protection in accordance with the provision of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. For right of reproduction or translation, in part or in toto, application should be made to the Termae Campus management.

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this pubblication do not imply the expression of any opinion of Thermae Campus.

The mention of specific companies or of certain manifacturers product does not imply that they are endorset or raccomended by Thermae Campus preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.

The autors alone are responsible for the wiews expressed in this pubblication

  • Open access – FREE to view, download and print; the article may be read and cited by a large audience.
  • No processing charge – accepted articles are published without cost to the autors.
  • Simple submission – convenient online submission procedure.
  • Peer review – rigorous peer review by experts.


Publisher: Thermae Campus Srl – Via Dell’Artigiano 7, 47034 Forlimpopoli (FC) Italy

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