FEMTEC collaborates since 1970 with the University of Milan:
- with the Center of Medical Bioclimatology, founded by Prof. Roberto Gualtierotti
- with the Fondazione OMD (Osservatorio Meteorologico Milano Duomo) founded by prof. Sergio Borghi
- Quantifying Thermal Stress for Sport Events – The Case of the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo
- Visualization of Climate Factors for Sports Events and Activities�The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
- Association with meteo-climatological factors and daily emergency visits for renal colic and urinary calculi in Cuneo, Italy
- V. Condemi, M. Gestro, U. Solimene – Le onde di calore: profili epidemiologici, problematiche, soggetti a rischio, misure di sanit� pubblica
- Freti, Condemi et al. – Meteorosensitivity in a Group of Patients Affected by Multiple Sclerosis and Hospitalized in a Rehabilitation Facility: An Observational Study
- Gestro, Condemi, Bardi et al. – Meteorological factors, air pollutants, and emergency department visits for otitis media: a time series study
- Lin, Matzarakis 2008 – Tourism climate and thermal comfort in Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan
- matzarakis, endler 2010 – Climate change and thermal bioclimate in cities: impacts and options for adaptation in Freiburg, Germany
- matzarakis 2014 – Transfer of climate data for tourism applications
- Matzarakis, Wengen – Physiological Equivalent Temperature as Indicator for Impacts of Climate Change on Thermal Comfort of Humans
- Froehlich, Matzarakis – Modeling of changes in thermal bioclimate: examples based on urban spaces in Freiburg, Germany
- International Journal of Biometeorlogy
- Condemi et al. – Meteonetwork: An Open Crowdsourced Weather Data System
Climate for You (PDF): EN , IT
- Complementary Health Approaches for Seasonal Affective Disorder
- METEONETWORK Stations with FEMTEC agreement
- New site for the Climate by European Space Agency
Institutional Web-sites on Bioclimatology
- WHO – World Health Organization
- World Meteorological Organization
- C-CHANGE – Harward University – Center for Climate Health and the Global Environment
- CRED – Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
- IRI – International Research Institute for Climate and Society
- CMCC – Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
- NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta)
- Health Canada
- US Global Change
- International Society of Biometeorology
- UNCCD – United Nations – Convention to Combat Desertification
- Global Change
- NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- ECMWF – European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
- Met Office
- University of Miami – Synoptic Climatology Lab
- Met Office Health
- AIA – Associazione Italiana di Aerobiologia
- Centro interdipartimentale di Bioclimatologia – Universit� di Firenze
- Servizio Meteorologico dell’Aeronautica
- ISAC – CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate
- Osservatorio Meteorologico dell�Universit� di Napoli
- FAO – Food and Agricolture Organization
- Past Global Changes (PAGES) – University of Bern
- Environmental Meteorology – Prof. Dr. Andreas Matzarakis, Freiburg University
- Istituto Superiore di Sanit�, Dipartimento Ambiente e Salute
- Ministero della Salute: ondate di calore