International Congress on Thermalism “ARCHENA – 2500 Anos de salud y bienestar” held at the Spanish resort of Archera – November 21-22, 2024
The Congress was attended by doctors and specialists in thermal medicine from Spain, Italy, Portugal and Germany. The main topic was the exchange of experiences and achievements in the field of thermal medicine and wellness.
The Congress was held under the leadership and in the presence of the General Manager of the Resort, Mrs. Patricia Fernandez. Reports were heard from the President of the Spanish Association of Medical Hydrology, Professor F. Maraver, the President of the Portuguese Association of Medical Hydrology, Professor P. Cantista and the President of the Italian Association of Medical Hydrology, Dr. F. Bonsignori, who presented the situation and state of affairs in this field in their countries.
During the Round Table, a discussion was held on the topic “The Road of Water”, in which representatives of various resorts in Spain and Germany took part.
Dr. Natalia Chaurskaya participated in the work and the Round Table, sharing her experience of international cooperation.

“Balneario of Archena” is a thermal center located in a picturesque place in the autonomous region of Murcia in the south-east of Spain. The history of these resorts, which existed during the time of the Iberians, goes back to ancient times. However, real fame came to Archena during the reign of the Roman Empire, when the healing properties of its thermal springs were first discovered. Then, after the fall of the Roman Empire, Archena came under the control of Arab rulers, who also felt the beneficial effects of these healing waters. But Archena received its true heyday when the city became part of the Kingdom of Castile.
Currently, “Balneario of Archena” is the largest and most famous thermal complex with healing waters. It consists of several hotels, a spa center, therapeutic pools, thermal baths and various types of water health treatments, including hydrotherapy, mud therapy, massages and cosmetic procedures.
Archena springs have a temperature of about + 52 C and are rich in useful minerals such as sulfur, calcium and magnesium. The main indications are diseases of the joints and skin, as the unique properties of the local water help improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and generally restore the body.

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